Last Stop On the Goodbye Tour


Holy crap, I am sitting at the gate waiting for my flight. This is happening. I really am doing this. For the past week I have been saying my last goodbyes to all my friends and family in the area. It really is amazing to know how many people are behind me in this decision and that they want to show their support before I go.

I am full of mixed emotions right now waiting for the boarding process to begin. Nervous because I literally HATE flying. Anxious because this will be the longest I have ever gone with limited communication from my family. Excited because I am about to do something we have talked about for 16 years.

I can not wait to see Mette, Jacob & the kids tomorrow, it almost doesn't feel real. Poor Villium thinks I am Dora the Explorer and will be seriously let down when I do not know Swiper and speak barely any of the the language he understands.

This is all for today since I am trying to not drain my battery before I get on a 9 hour flight (did I mention I hate flying?). I will start doing a weekly post (most likely Friday) of a week recap so stay tuned!

Until tomorrow...


Days Till Take Off: 0

Goodbyes Said: All

Language Learned: Yeah, not going to happen.